General Quality Statement

General Quality Statement


Quality Management.........................................................................................................1
Quality Management processes and procedures - Research..................................2
Quality Management processes and procedures - Editing......................................6
Health, safety and security..............................................................................................7

Quality management

Spotlight Market Research & Editing is committed to providing high quality consultancy, editing, and
research products; effective project management and outstanding customer service.

Our services will be designed to meet - and where appropriate, exceed the tender specifications. This
includes ensuring that we meet and exceed the requirements of the Market Research Society’s Code of
Conduct; the Society for Editors and Proofreaders Code of Conduct and the Data Protection Act (1998).
We will also ensure that our research procedures are fully aligned with those of MRQSA and ISO 20252
accreditation standards and that our subcontractors are either accredited or aligned with their relevant
industry standards. All interviewers will be fully trained to relevant industry standards.

Spotlight Market Research & Editing operates a quality management system (QMS) to ensure that we
deliver consistent high quality. Our quality management processes and procedures are detailed at the
end of this document. Unless otherwise stated, Alpa A. Virdi, Director, will take responsibility for
ensuring effective quality management on all Spotlight projects details of experience are available on
request or can be viewed on our website.

All of our work is conducted in accordance with the Data Protection Act 91998), and the Codes of
Conduct of the Market Research Society and the Society for Editors & proofreaders.

Quality Management processes and procedures - Research

Consultation, scoping and research design

We ensure that we fully understand your business objectives, make justified research recommendations and work to your budget.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail

Enquiry form

Summarises initial conversations with prospective client and relevant information such as contact details, date of contact, business
information needs, key dates and likely budget (if known).

Enquiry form (internal document)


As a minimum, this will detail the costs based on research design and deliverables; and if relevant, shows portions of costs which are
subcontracted, phased and/or optional. Usually included in the Proposal.

Written costing


Demonstrates understanding of Client needs, business issues faced, market dynamics and shows sensitivity to relevant parameters such as
key dates, budgets, key client personnel, respondent needs and so on. Contains fully justified research plan, timings, responsibilities and
costings, tailored quality statement and other information which may be requested by the Client.

Written/e-mailed proposal

Supplier Selection

Subcontracted services will be subject to Spotlight’s standards on quality assurances, are appropriately vetted and placed on our approved
list. Local suppliers will be sought wherever possible.

Approved Suppliers List (internal document).

Details of key suppliers in Proposal.

Schedule and

The Client will be provided with a schedule for the duration of the work, key actions, who is responsible and desired completion dates for each
action. The schedule will be included in the Proposal, updated and communicated to the Client and all members of the research team
throughout the project.

Written schedule and responsibilities. Included in Proposal
and kept updated.

T&C’s and agreements

All research work undertaken on behalf of clients will be subject to a prior signed agreement of Spotlight Terms & Conditions.

Written T&C’s, agreed signed by both parties (Spotlight and

Commissioning form and
Project Commencement

Commissioning form summarises research plan, deliverables, key dates, costs, key contacts and other key information relevant to the project.

Project Commencement is signalled when Spotlight has received written/e-mailed confirmation from the Client that they would like to go
ahead with the project as detailed in the Commissioning form.

Commissioning form.

Written/emailed statement from Client to go-ahead with

Changes to specifications
and costs

Any changes to project specifications (including deliverables and costs) will be documented in writing/e-mail, agreed between Spotlight and
the Client and communicated to all relevant members of the research team.

Written/emailed statement agreed by both parties.

Progress updates

Spotlight will deliver regular and timely updates to the Client and relevant members of the research team and flag up any potential issues in
good time to discuss and allow remedial actions.

Written/emailed statements including fieldwork updates if


To protect the rights of our survey respondents and clients, we apply stringent quality controls throughout the research and analysis processes and operate in accordance with the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct
and Data Protection Act.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail

Consultation, planning & design

To support this process, an informative brief will be sought form the Client and appropriate discussions held and

Written Client brief.

Write-up of discussions during consultation phase.

Research proposal.

Questionnaire/discussion guide
and field materials

The research design, questionnaires, discussion guides and supplementary field materials will be expertly designed, to
answer the Client’s information needs and where appropriate, piloted. The design process will take account of ethical
issues in protecting the rights and sensitivities of respondents and with the understanding that they are participating in
research as an act of goodwill.

Field materials – approved by Client.

Sample specification and

Samples will be sourced from reputable and reliable sources and will be appropriate to the Client’s information needs.
Where a Client database is used, data will be verified, particularly if there are suspected issues with its reliability.

Sample specification form

Fieldwork Briefing

Where survey research is conducted, interviewers will be provided with a full face to face briefing, a test phase will be
conducted and all relevant materials and information will be supplied to the interviewing team to ensure accurate and valid
data gathering.

Fax letter, pre-notification letter / e-mail, briefing notes, glossary of technical
terms (if required) and relevant sample details.

Selection of desk research

Published information will be gathered from reliable and valid sources; cross-verified and where necessary, qualified
/annotated to deal with any limitations. Where anecdotal data or an opinion is cited, this will be made clear in the report.

List of sources accessed in report Appendix.

Citations and footnotes as appropriate in report.

Recording of interviews

Interviews will be recorded in accordance with the DPA (1998) and MRS Code of Conduct. In particular, where face to
face interviews are recorded by film or audio recording, this will only be done with the express permission of the


Written statement of permission to be recorded, signed and dated by

Pre-designed plan of how many recordings to be made and in which sample

Statement about which interviews were recorded in research report and any
effect this may have had on results.


Incentives will be offered only where appropriate and in accordance with the MRS Code of Conduct. In particular, client
products and services will not be offered to participants and prize draws will be conducted in accordance with the
Gambling Act (2005) .

Incentives and /or prize draw rules clearly stated to potential participants.

Accurate documentation of incentives given /entrants and winners.

Training and monitoring

All field interviewers used by Spotlight will be trained to AQR/MRQSA/IQCS/ISO 20252/BS7911 standards, including
additional training for business to business interviewers. A minimum of 10% of interviews will be monitored and/or verified
by a Field Supervisor. Clients will be invited to listen to or observe interviews with appropriate ethical and data quality
safeguards in place.

Approved suppliers list.

Field supplier’s own records on monitored interviews.

Statement about which and/or how many interviews were observed in
research report and any effect this may have had on results.

Analysis and interpretation of research data

We use an ‘holistic’ approach to data interpretation, meaning that we leave no stone unturned, and we gain deep insights about your business, marketplace and customers.

We can apply deep and sophisticated statistical analyses but always ensure that our reports can be easily understood and are relevant to your business objectives.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail

Coding specifications and

For quantitative research, Respondent comments to be coded will be supported by a code
frame and briefing notes given to the Coding Team.

Qualitative interviews will be supported by transcripts, detailed write-up, film, or audio/digital
tape and the coding process will be sufficiently documented by the Researcher to allow for
peer review if necessary.

Code frame and briefing notes.

Transcripts, recordings and documentation about observed interviews.

Paper trail of analysis process, including justifications for conclusions.

Data Analysis

The Data Processing team will be given a full analysis specification detailing the required
format of questions, weighting, breaks, nets, descriptive statistics, tests of difference, filters
and special tables.

Approved suppliers list.


Data Analysis specification

Data cleaning and checks

Quantitative data will be cleaned and verified prior to output as data tables. Data tables will
be thoroughly and systematically checked prior to reporting.

Data Analysis specification

Supplier’s own records.

Statistical analyses

Statistical analyses will be planned at the research design stage in order that field materials
can be appropriately designed and therefore fit for purpose. For advanced statistics, a
trained statistician for the market research industry will be used.


Approved suppliers list.

Technical appendix in research report.


Data will be analysed holistically – meaning that all potential and meaningful links between
variables will be investigated, any missing data will be taken into account, and the data set
in its entirety will be considered with the aim of answering the Client’s information needs.


Paper trail of analysis process, including justifications for conclusions.

Reporting, citing sources
and evidence; technical

The ‘story’ of the data will be determined by the Researcher to form the basis of the
research report (for example, as opposed to graphical representation of data tables or
paraphrasing of published data).

The report as a minimum will detail the business and research objectives, research and sample methodology,
key findings, conclusions evidenced by research findings, recommendations based on research findings,
relevant sources/citations, technical appendices, including field materials and where appropriate, verbatim

Action Pack delivered to Client (hard & soft copy)

Our clients can receive tangible benefits in a number of ways:

. Face to face presentation of findings to Client management team.
. Action planning session to help implement research findings.
. Custom report, including action plan based on survey findings.
. Appropriate research-based materials for marketing and press.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail

Planning and sign-off of

All deliverables will be planned well in advance of the reporting stage and the Client will be consulted as appropriate on the reporting format.
The Client will sign-off the final deliverables and agendas for presentation and action planning meetings.

Sign-off email from Client.

Report template for Client approval if appropriate.

Agenda for presentations/action planning session -agreed in

Post-research support and review

Once we have delivered our findings, we don’t abandon you! We are always here to offer advice and ongoing support.

To support our commitment to service excellence, we conduct a research process review with you and monitor our own key performance indicators.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail


A client satisfaction questionnaire will be sent to the Client after the final deliverable (report/presentation/workshop). Responses are monitored and actioned -
individually with the client and in aggregate annually, or sooner if necessary, as part of Spotlight’s annual quality management review. In addition, the
research project will be reviewed with the client and any learnings documented for future implementation.

Client satisfaction questionnaire.

Project review write-up following discussion with Client.


Invoicing will be phased where possible with the final balance payable upon sign-off of deliverables. Payment subject to Spotlight Terms & Conditions

Invoicing plan in Proposal.


Terms & Conditions.


Senior Researcher on hand to answer queries, provide advice and assistance. Review offered 3-6 months after final deliverable
(report/presentation/workshop) and additional assistance provided and/or planned.

Write-up of required after-care actions on job card (internal

Quality Management processes and procedures – Editing

We ensure that we fully understand your editing needs, make pragmatic, helpful and sensible recommendations and work within the Code of Conduct of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders.

Quality Management System (QMS) Paper trail:



Paper Trail


Summarises initial conversations with prospective client and relevant information such as contact details, date of contact, editing needs, key
dates and likely budget (if known). If the work includes any complexity or specific requests, details will be requested from the client. An extract of
1,000 words will be requested form the client for costing purposes.

Enquiry form (internal document).

Client brief and/or style guide.

Extract of document.


This will detail the per project cost or daily rate based on the nature of services required. A summary of the services required and delivery date
will be included.

Written costing


Project Commencement is signalled when Spotlight has received written/e-mailed confirmation from the Client that they would like to go ahead
with the work as detailed in the costing communication.

Written/emailed statement from Client to go-ahead with project.

Changes to
specifications and costs

Any changes to project specifications (including deliverables and costs) will be documented in writing/e-mail, agreed between Spotlight and the
Client and communicate to all members of the editing team.

Written/emailed statement agreed by both parties.

Progress updates

Spotlight will deliver regular and timely updates to the Client and relevant members and flag up any potential issues in good time to discuss and
allow remedial actions.

Written/emailed updates.

Editing and sign-off

All edits, queries, suggestions and comments will be flagged up clearly to the Client within the document. The Client will sign-off the final proof.

Copy of edited documents kept by Spotlight.

Version control system in place..

Written/e-mailed sign-off statement from Client.


Invoicing will be payable upon sign-off of deliverables within 7 days unless otherwise agreed.



Personalised de-brief by e-mail or telephone. Senior editor on hand to answer queries, provide advice, assistance.

Write-up of required after-care and future editing actions on job
card (internal document).

Health, safety and security

Spotlight Market Research & Editing recognises the importance of health, safety and security.

The company's health and safety policy sets out our commitment and outlines our approach to effective health and
safety management. Our processes and procedures are designed not simply to meet legal requirements but to
effectively deliver a healthy, safe and secure working environment for our employees and everyone else who might
be affected by our work. A copy of our health and safety policy is available on request.

Spotlight Market Research & Editing has public liability insurance of £1,000,000 and professional indemnity
insurance of £500,000; a copy of the insurance documentation is available on request.


We recognise the contribution our employees make to the success of what we do. We are committed to offering our
clients and employees fair terms and conditions, ensuring employees have the skills and qualifications they need,
and providing opportunities for training and development. Spotlight Market Research & Editing is an equal
opportunities employer. A copy of our equality & diversity policy is available on request or can be downloaded from
our website.


Spotlight Market Research & Editing understands the importance of environmental sustainability and social
responsibility - in design, delivery and in continuing operation. For example, this is reflected in how we seek to:

. Minimise waste and conserve energy
. Work with the local business community where appropriate

Details of our environmental and social responsibility policy is available on request or can be downloaded from our


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