faq editing

FAQs: editing

What is the difference between proofreading, copy-editing and editing?

In essence, proofreading deals with correcting errors in spelling and grammar and other factual errors which the proofreader has been asked to check. It is not the proofreader's job to alter the style or content of the text beyond what is essential for accuracy and comprehension.

Copy-editing additionally involves correcting the content of sentences where appropriate to ensure the whole text is written in the style appropriate to its audience. The restructuring of sections and suggestions for including or deleting small sections might be suggested.

Editing can involve a much more rigorous process of re-writing and re-structuring the text and having more input into the content itself.

Why are proofreading and copy-reading essential parts of the writing process?

It is often the case that when you have been working very hard on a document, perhaps for many days or weeks, you begin to lose sight of the types of spelling errors which tend to appear in text-heavy documents.

Aside from typos and grammatical errors which cannot be picked up by a computerised spell-checker; there may be sentences which may be very clear to you but are far from clear to your audience. You may have included points which need more substantiation or citations which are missing a reference.

Unfortunately, such errors in spelling, grammar and data can tarnish your image in the eye of the reader and distract them from fully absorbing what you have written. This may be especially true for those with English as a second language, due to grammatical and cultural differences to one's native language.

Can you do a full edit of my text?

For business clients, we can provide an extended version of copy-editing, where we can agree to provide more input into the text and provide suggestions for expanding or reducing content. However, at present this service is not available to students and we currently do not offer a 'full editing' service.

Can you verify data that I have included in my text?

For all clients, we can check your text for internal consistency of any data included (for example, written references to figures displayed in a table or chart). For business clients, we can provide a fact-checking service under agreement, however, at present we cannot provide fact-checking for academic work.

How does the proofreading and copy-editing service work?

In order to receive a good estimate of the cost and turnaround time, you need to send us a sample of your work (ideally 500-1,000 words for written documents such as essays or reports). We will then call you to discuss prior to sending you a written agreement via email, which will detail the cost, turnaround time and the parameters of the brief.

We will conduct the work and return it to you. Students who have purchased a copy-editing service will receive a phonecall, or email if preferred at a convenient time to be de-briefed on the changes made and how their writing can be improved.

For proofreading and copy-editing we require payment within 7 working days of receipt of your edited document.
Students may be asked to provide full payment before work commences.

Do you work on electronic files or on hard copy?

Both. We will work on-screen where possible as this is usually the most convenient method for the client. However, we can work on hard-copy and any print and postage costs will be charged in addition to our hourly rates.

How will I know what changes you have made?

Where we have worked on-screen, all changes will be tracked and any suggestions and queries highlighted within the text. For your convenience, you can agree to have minor corrections (e.g. spelling errors) made without tracking. Tracking changes means that you can decide to 'accept' or 'reject' each alteration. We can provide a clean copy alongside the tracked-changes document.

Can you provide me with an estimated grade?

No. We can only provide a service relating to the proper use of the English language, we cannot provide advice on your grade or the content of your academic work.

Can you improve my grade?

We do not guarantee that your grades will improve by using our service. However, as the readability of your work will be improved and the overall impression of your written work may be enhanced we do say that your chances of improving your grade may be helped by using our service.


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