proof reading for business

Proofreading & editing for business

Let your business shine under the spotlight

In order to present your business documentation in its best light and improve your chances of creating the impression that you desire, Spotlight provides proofreading, copy-editing and data accuracy services.

Here are some of the types of business documentation we work on:

  • Proposals
  • Funding bids
  • Business plans
  • Reports
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures
  • Web content

Below we summarise the benefits of our business editing services to your documentation:


  • Accurate spelling and grammar.
  • Text is clear and easy to understand, by ensuring proper sentencing and paragraphing.
  • Properly referenced for citations, content, pagination, indexing, numbering of tables, graphs and paragraphs.
  • Consistent in style for font size, colour, headings and layout.

Copy-editing, additional benefits

  • Articulately written, using compelling words and sentences.
  • Clear and easy to understand, using improved sentencing, layout and bullet points as necessary.
  • Comprehensive, by ensuring that each point you make is substantiated.

Data accuracy

  • Accurate in terms of any data presented within the text, in tables and in graphs (checked against your own reference documents or for internal consistency).
  • Data is presented in ways which are not misleading or open to misinterpretation.


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